Study Your Bible
Valuable tips for your personal devotional reading and study of the Bible:
- Get a Bible version that has bold print, easy to read and understand. I personally use more than one Bible version in my study. This method enables me to compare or investigate the original meaning of words without necessarily going into the dictionary. (The King James Version, The Living Bible, The Amplified Bible are few of my favorite versions).
- Begin with prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you an understanding of God’s Word as you read and study.
- Keep a notebook and pen ready to write down what the Holy Spirit reveals to you during your personal Bible study.
- Read the text slowly and carefully; then re-read and take notes of what the Holy Spirit impresses upon your hear
- Find out the true meaning of the text. Ask yourself:
- Who or what is the main subject?
- Who or what is the writer speaking about?
- What is the key verse or revelation?
- What does the passage teach me about Jesus Christ?
- Does it bring to light personal sin that needs to be confessed and forsaken?
- Does it contain a command for me to obey?
- Does it give a promise I can claim by faith?
- List down practical applications, commands and promises.
- Memorize the scripture – particularly the key verses.
- Obey the commands and follow the instructions you learn in God’s word.
Calvin Coolidge, 30th president of America, remarked: “in the Bible will be found the solution of all the problems of the world. The foundation our society and our government rest on is the teachings of the Bible.’’