Our Beliefs

  • The Old and New Testaments are the inspired Word of God. It is the complete revelation of God’s will for the salvation of mankind. It is also divine and the final authority for all Christian faith and practice.
  • We believe in the virgin conception and birth of Jesus Christ. He is the Son of God and Savior of the world.
  • We believe in water baptism and the baptism in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues.
  • We believe that the true God consists of the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. They are co-existent, co-eternal and co-equal.
  • We believe God delights in the prosperity of His people and He has given us the power to get wealth in order to have a fulfilling life, free from ignorance, poverty, sickness, sin and disease.
  • We believe in the marriage ordinance as established by God the Father and reaffirmed by our Lord Jesus Christ in His physical presence at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, where He also performed His first miracle.
  • We believe our God is a God of miracles and that all the miracles performed by Jesus, the prophets and the apostles, can still be done today by all believers through faith in His Word and His Name.