King’s Service
We have established a joyful and peaceful environment for you. Our ushers will gladly greet you and present you with church-related materials. Additionally, it is our duty to establish a secure and healthy workplace for you. We will be there to assist the elderly and disabled.
You can happily join our usher team to serve the great purpose.
An Usher should:
Dress appropriately, (professional yet comfortable). Be a team player and communicate well with others. Be aware of special meetings, events, or ministries and ensure they are present to assist.
Ushers should remember that they are on the ‘frontline’ and hence, they make the first impression of the character and spirit of our church. They are expected to warmly welcome our visitors and ensure that they sign our visitor cards, register, and enter phone numbers, and e-mail IDs and place them in the offering receptacle when it is passed around.
Ushers are expected to make phone calls to say, ‘thank you for worshiping with us’ and also tell our guests they were both noticed and appreciated.
Ushers may also be expected to volunteer and follow up with personal visits if guests indicate the desire in any way.
To join the team:
- You must be born again and filled with the Holy Spirit.
- You should possess a genuine love for God and others and be a people person.
- You should possess self-confidence, posture, and a pleasant appearance.
- You should have the ability to minister in spite of pressure, nervousness, or attitudes.
- You should be able to deal wisely with difficult people.
- You should be a team player with a positive and cooperative attitude.
Lifestyle Ushers are expected to:
- Introduce themselves with a warm handshake and a friendly smile.
- Ask visitors their names and use them when speaking to them.
- Provide worshippers and visitors with church-related materials.
- Collect offerings; maintain attendance records for all services.
- Serve communion and assist during our altar call and healing services.
- Provide a safe and healthy environment.
- Remind everyone to turn off their cell phones and other devices.
- Assist the elderly to be seated comfortably and keep the aisles clear of traffic.
- Help seat people according to the seating capacity of the auditorium. An usher may also ask if they were invited by someone particular (and if possible seat them next to the individual).